Why Tallow?
Beef tallow: the ultimate superfood for your skin.
Stimulating the skin's collagen production, tallow increases blood flow, accelerates skin cell regeneration, and gives skin the building blocks needed to create its own collagen. Tallow is dense in the most bioavailable forms of vitamin E, A, K, and D. It is naturally anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal due to its high levels of omega-6 fatty acids and saturated fat content. This, in addition to its levels of natural conjugated linoleic acid, help to rejuvenate the skin barrier, decrease fine lines, and reduce acne scars. The fat soluble nutrients amongst bioavailable vitamins in tallow work to reverse wrinkle, dark spot, and fine line formation.
As an animal fat, tallow is more easily and quickly absorbed by the skin than plant-based products because the chemical makeup and molecular structure of tallow mimics that of human skin in its vitamins, micronutrients, fatty acids, and minerals, amongst non-synthetic compounds. Tallow is able to penetrate all lipid layers of human skin, which allows it to rapidly act and begin to heal. This differentiates tallow from all other skincare products in that it reaches a deeper of cellular level and naturally matches the character of our own skin. Because of this trait, the healing properties of tallow are so advanced that is proven to heal wounds, lighten stretch marks, scars, rashes, and treat skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema in their entirety.
Its high concentration of bioavailable vitamin A works to provide the skin with a natural retinol, creating healthy, youthful, and tight skin. Tallow supports skin cell regeneration, moisturizes, hydrates, and fights inflammation by its high levels of antioxidants that protect the skin from free radicals by limiting oxidative damage. It is non-comedogenic meaning it works with the skin to prevent pore clogging. In addition, tallow aids in our skin's oil production process, helping acne-prone and sensitive skin.
Using tallow to care for the skin is dated back to ancient times. Ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome, the Inuits, and the Indigenous Australians used tallow in the B.C.s to protect and care for their skin.
Tallow provides an utmost nourishment to our skin. Man-made and plant-based products can’t begin to compare to the wide-ranged performance of tallow. You’ll never go back to toxic conventional ‘skincare’ again.